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Capitola-Soquel Little League

Capitola-Soquel Little League

CSLL Code of Conduct

Dear CSLL Community,

The CSLL board encourages all parents, players, managers, coaches, and anyone who is involved in CSLL baseball or attends CSLL games to read the Code of Conduct

Download the Code of Conduct Here!

Capitola-Soquel Little League 

Code of Conduct Policy

It is the goal of Capitola-Soquel Little League (CSLL) to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for our children to learn and play the game of baseball. The basic goal of Little League has always been to give children a game that provides fundamental principles (sportsmanship, fair play and teamwork) they can use later in life to become good citizens. In addition, Little League Regulation XIV(a) states that “the action of players, managers, coaches, umpires and league officials shall be above reproach.” The CSLL Board of Directors has therefore instituted this Code of Conduct, to ensure that the behavior and conduct of all participants in CSLL activities are consistent with the goals and rules of CSLL and Little League Baseball.

All participants in CSLL activities, including players, managers, coaches, umpires, scorekeepers, league officials, volunteers and spectators have a responsibility to display proper behavior at all times. Any participant guilty of improper conduct at any game or practice will be asked to leave the sports facility and will be suspended from the following game. The CSLL Board of Directors may take disciplinary actions against any participant in the league whose behavior is not consistent with this Code of Conduct or is detrimental to the operation of CSLL. Disciplinary action may include warnings, game ejections, game suspensions, or expulsion from the league. While this Code of Conduct lists certain behaviors that would result in disciplinary action, it is not exhaustive and other conduct not specifically listed here could also result in disciplinary action.

Player Code of Conduct

  1. I will learn the rules of the game and follow them.

  2. I will always be respectful of my teammates, players on opposing teams, umpires, managers and coaches, league volunteers, spectators, and the property and fields of CSLL.

  3. I will not use unsportsmanlike conduct.  This means that I will use self-control at all times and will not use bad language or make unfriendly remarks.  I will not hit, hurt or threaten anyone else. I will not throw a bat, ball, helmet or other equipment in anger. I will not boast, boo, taunt, or refuse to shake another player’s hand after a game.

  4. I will encourage my teammates and will not criticize their mistakes or the mistakes of the players on the opposing team.

  5. I will accept the umpire's decisions without argument.

  6. I understand that I may be forced to leave the game or the league if I do not follow these rules.

Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct

  1. I will follow all of the above rules and will insist that my child and other family members do the same.

  2. I will set a good example of sportsmanship for my child and others to follow.

  3. I will let the coaches do the coaching and will refrain from coaching any player except to provide encouragement.

  4. I will not criticize the umpires, managers, coaches, players or the opposing team in front of others.

  5. I will not engage in public displays of anger, and will not use profane or obnoxious language or gestures.

  6. I will not heckle, jeer or distract players, umpires, managers or coaches.

  7. I will never ridicule or yell at a child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.

  8. I will not use tobacco (or electronic cigarettes), drugs or alcohol while attending any game or practice, and will not come to any game or practice under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  9. I will be responsible for my guests and will ensure they follow the rules set forth in this document.

  10. I will voluntarily remove myself from the field if directed to by an umpire, manager or league official.

Manager/Coach Code of Conduct

  1. I will follow all of the above rules (exception: Parent Code of Conduct, Item #3).

  2. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship and be a positive role model to the players.

  3. I will instruct the players in good sportsmanship and will remove players from competition who demonstrate unsportsmanlike conduct.

  4. I will remove any player from the game or practice when even slightly in doubt of his/her health, whether or not as a result of an injury.

  5. I will refrain from verbal or nonverbal conduct that is offensive, creates a hostile environment or is demeaning to athletes or fellow coaches. I will refrain from arguments in front of players and spectators.

  6. I will be jointly responsible, together with the game officials, for the conduct and the control of teams and spectators. Anyone who violates the Code of Conduct by becoming out of control or aggressive will be asked to leave the game and the field.

Disciplinary Measures

If a potential Code of Conduct offense is either witnessed by a CSLL Board Member or brought to the attention of a CSLL Board Member from anyone and via any mode of communication (in person, email, phone, text, etc.), it is to be passed along in writing to the CSLL Code of Conduct Committee.

The Code of Conduct Committee is a subcommittee of the CSLL Board. Each year, on the first General Board Meeting of the season, the Board will appoint two (2) CSLL Board members to serve with the President on the Code of Conduct Committee. 

  • If more information is required to determine if a Code of Conduct is needed or if the severity of the Code of Conduct is in question, the CSLL President will meet with the family of the individual.  

    • Board approval is not necessary to inquire for more information if the Code of Conduct Committee requests.

    • The CSLL President will then convene the CSLL Code of Conduct Committee, who will then make their recommendation to the Executive Board of Directors to vote on a Code of Conduct decision.

    • If the Executive Board of Directors determines a warning or Code of Conduct is to be given, the CSLL President then shall notify the family of the warning or code of conduct, in writing with a parent/guardian signature required.

    • A warning may be verbal or in writing, but a Code of Conduct must be made in writing. 


Should the subject of a written Code of Conduct wish to appeal the Code of Conduct. That request must be made in writing and directed to the CSLL President. 

  • The CSLL President will appoint an ad hoc Appeal Committee to review the appeal. The Appeal Committee will be independent of the Code of Conduct Committee. 

  • The Appeal Committee will issue a written Code of Conduct recommendation and present it to the CSLL Executive Board.

  • The CSLL Executive Board will then review the recommendation of the Appeal Commitee and hold a vote. The CSLL Executive Board will require a 2/3 vote to either approve or rescind the Code of Conduct. 

  • If a 2/3 vote to approve is reached, the Code of Conduct will become final.  

  • This appeal process shall be followed for all appeals of Codes of Conduct be they individual or team-based. 

Age Considerations for Code of Conduct

  • 9-12 Years Old (Follows Standard Code of Conduct)

  • 8 and Under (Follows Modified Code of Conduct)

    • First 2-3 offenses are written “warnings” from league; parent signatures required

      • Whether an individual is granted 2 or 3 warnings is up to the CSLL Code of Conduct Committee

  • Any following offense(s) are an official Code of Conduct recommendation by the CSLL Code of Conduct Committee to the Executive Board.

Team Issues

  • A team issue is considered to be 1 or more individuals when it is unknown which individuals on a team committed a potential offense.

    • Immediately, the CSLL President will inquire with the opposing group or individual(s) that accused the team of the offense, who will then pass along the information to the CSLL Code of Conduct Committee.

      • Any further investigation with the issue between CSLL and the opposing group/individual(s) will follow the same mode of correspondence.

  • The Code of Conduct Committee will share their decision or next steps with the CSLL President, who will then share the details of the accusation with the Manager of the team along with a set timeline on coming up with a team/individual resolution or response.

  • Within the set timeframe, the Manager of the team is required to meet with the team and their parents either as a group or on an individual basis (with the parents of the players) to determine if the offense is to be considered a team or individual code of conduct.

  • If the Manager is unable to come up with a decision on whether the code of conduct is to be individual or team, they will ask the Code of Conduct Committee to make a decision for them.

  • After the Code of Conduct is given to the team/individual(s), the league will then determine the appropriate set of apologies required by CSLL, the team or individual(s) involved.



Harassing, or abusive language, or gesture, demonstrated by any player, coach, manager, spectator, parent, umpire, or other official.

First Offense- Removal from game plus one game suspension.

Second Offense- Removal from game plus two game suspension.

Third Offense- Removal from game and suspension for the remainder of the season.

Threatening gestures or language demonstrated by any player, coach, manager, spectator, parent, umpire, or other official.

First Offense- Removal from game plus one game suspension.

Second Offense- Removal from game plus two game suspension.

Third Offense- Removal from game and suspension for the remainder of the season.

Physical fighting, striking, or bodily assault demonstrated by any player, coach, manager, spectator, parent, umpire, or other official.

First Offense- Removal from game/field and possible suspension for the rest of the season and following sea- son.

Second Offense- Removal from game/field and possible lifetime suspension.

Knowingly allowing a player to play while injured or creating un- safe playing conditions for any player.

For the offender, who could be the player, coach, parent, etc.:

First Offense- Removal from game/field and two game suspension.

Second Offense- Removal from game/field and suspension for the remainder of the season and following sea- son, and possible lifetime suspension.

Use of alcohol, tobacco, or other il- legal substance at games and/or practices.

First Offense- Removal from game/field and two game suspension.

Second Offense- Removal from game/field and suspesion for the remainder of the season and following sea- son, and possible lifetime suspension.

Possession of a firearm or other weapons at games and/or practices.

Removal from game/field and suspension for the re- mainder of the season and the following season, and possible lifetime suspension. Call to law enforcement will be made.

A player, coach, manager, spectator, parent, umpire, or other official who incites another to commit one of the above-referenced infractions.

Removal from game/field and potential suspension equal to that of the individual who incited to commit one of the above referenced infractions.

This Code of Conduct was approved by the CSLL Board of Directors on 12/17/2024.

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