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Capitola-Soquel Little League

Capitola-Soquel Little League

About CSLL

50 Years of Capitola-Soquel Little League

Back in 1970, a group of hard-working parents got together and transformed Mid-County Baseball into Capitola-Soquel Little League. Long before the days of computers, these pioneers spent many hours drawing up schedules, arranging practice fields, and shopping for uniforms. Did you ever wonder why it’s called “Capitola-Soquel” and not “Soquel-Capitola”? The first CSLL board settled on “Capitola-Soquel” because it was thought that the shortened “SC” for “Soquel-Capitola” might be confused with Santa Cruz!

The tradition of dedicated people volunteering their time continues to this day — over 45 years later. The executive board, general board, managers, and coaches are all volunteers — not a single one of them receives anything in return other than the fulfillment that comes with contributing to the wellbeing of our local youth. Moms and dads come out to help the coaches in any way they can, doctors and firefighters offer safety procedures, and umpires are willing to come out for a nominal stipend.

Today we enjoy the results of five decades’ worth of community involvement and dedication to the CSLL facilities and program. In conjunction with help of the local businesses and schools, our league flourishes as one of the most popular leagues in District 39. The league population is on an upward trend over the past decade, and we trust that this will continue long after our current group of volunteers has gone.

It is with great pride and joy that we are able to offer our community with a safe and fun environment for the local kids to play the game we all love so much!

Play ball!

Yours Truly,
The Capitola-Soquel Little League Board

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